Identity for Fabryka Mebli

Fabryka Mebli is a Studio93 brand that produces custom furniture parts and positions its offer at carpenters designing and building furniture for their customers. Seeking to expand its distribution area and to reach individual customers, the company introduced an online furniture configuration service, as well as new component designs. The designs use structural milled fronts created in co-operation with KABO&PYDO. The primary goal of the visual communication was to build an identity and image of a trustworthy, young brand. Simultaneously, the owner wanted the logo to include a graphical representation of a house. This is how a symbol was born, in which the letters “F” and “M” form a schematic image of a house. The project included, among others, a logo, business cards, catalogue, vehicle branding, signs, internal communication (including plaques) and work clothes.

The project was implemented under Measure 1.4. Design for competition

year: 2018 client: Studio 93
design: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Katarzyna Borkowska, Tomasz Pydo, Małgorzata Załuska, Ewa Nowak


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