IDEAL™ digging tools

The goal of this project was to create cost-effective products with a one-piece handle, while maintaining the highest possible level of ergonomics and usability. The economies achieved in production have translated into a benefit for consumers – a cheap and useful product. Stylistically the tools are related to the ERGO™ line of digging tools. The handle can be gripped in many different ways. The heads have ribbing to increase stiffness. Footplates in the upper part of the heads, which prevent damage to shoes and facilitate driving, are a welcome addition.

year: 2018
manufacturer: Cellfast
design: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Tomasz Pydo, Katarzyna Borkowska, Jarosław Markowicz
co-operation: Cellfast’s constructors team


Available for purchase online, for example in the Cellfast store.


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