Fold identity

Fold Sp. z o.o. is a family-owned company from Siedlce, operating locally and nationally in the printing and advertising industry since 1992. They support companies with professional and comprehensive design and production services. They have their own design department and machinery park.

year: 2022
client: Fold
design management: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Katarzyna Borkowska, Tomasz Pydo, Anna Szymańska, Dominika Wysogląd, dział graficzny Fold

Fold logo

The name is derived from the previous name Foldruk, is historically related to it, and was created by removing the last 3 letters of it. It is a continuation of it – an expansion of the previous name, rather than a completely new creation.

The brand name fits the company’s wide range of services, which, in addition to printing, includes advertising, cardboard packaging, gadgets, branding and graphic design, among others. During the process of designing the new name, it happily turned out that the abbreviation of the current name produces the word “Fold,” which in English means, among other things, to fold, fold, fold – and these are the activities we perform in production.



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