Flexx identity

Flexx is a young and creative brand producing lighting for commercial interiors, which made its début in 2020.
The first two product lines, Like At Home and XXL-Jungle, distinguish themselves in two main ways: their unique appearance and how they make public spaces cosier through their form, the use of plants and acoustic materials. The company’s offer is addressed mainly to investors working in public commercial spaces, such as banks, restaurants or office buildings.
The developed visual identity included a Brand Book, which consisted of the following: a wordmark and brand book, graphic symbol, typography, digital and print colour palette, business cards, as well as office supplies: folders, document templates, and clothing and company car markings.

year: 2020
client: Flexx
design: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Katarzyna Borkowska, Tomasz Pydo, Dominika Wysogląd


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