EXPLORER trolley

The design task was to perform a facelift of the Explorer trolley. The structure is made of aluminium tubes. This improves stiffness and ensures corrosion resistance. A sliding handle enables height to be adjusted to the user’s height, making it easier to move the trolley around the garden. When the handle is completely folded, spikes can be driven into the soil, which ensures that trolley stability during hose winding and unwinding. The retractable handle saves space when the trolley is stored.

year: 2018
manufacturer: Cellfast
design: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Tomasz Pydo, Katarzyna Borkowska, Olga Szymańska, Jarosław Markowicz
co-operation: Cellfast’s constructors team
Available for purchase online, for example in the Cellfast store.
– Dobry Wzór 2019 (Good Design 2019) finalist


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