M/platform cash deposit machine

The M/platform cash deposit machine is a device used to deposit cash and safe envelopes (coins or documents). It’s equipped with, among others, a touch screen (17 ”), a deposit module, a deposit chute, a touch card reader, a barcode reader, as well as a printer and safe (class I).

The cash is counted, verified (as per ECB 6) by the device and deposited in a cassette located in the safe. The user identifies the content of the secure envelope in the cash deposit machine’s application using the touch screen.

The cash deposit machine network is administered, managed and supervised remotely via a Cash Deposit Machine Management System.

year: 2016
manufacturer: Comp dla marki M/platform
design: KABO & PYDO design studio
design team: Tomasz Pydo, Katarzyna Borkowska, Bartosz Borowicz
co-operation: Comp’s constructors team
identification and interface design: One Line


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